Your Time and Space: Math for Growing Plants and Profits

Your Ball Seed Team -
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cost Accounting is the process of calculating your fixed and variable costs of production and identifying on what products and activities you are spending your resources. It may not be glamorous, but taking the time for Cost Accounting can dramatically improve your business’s profitability.

The slides from our Ball Seed Customer Days 2024 presentation (available for download below) and the following series of articles can help you get started.


Grower Talks is the Source on Cost Accounting Ideas:  Search for Ideas! 


Cost Accounting with Bill Swanekamp, Kube-Pak Greenhouse

• Why do cost accounting: Why should I do cost accounting? 

• Getting Started: Cost Accounting 101 

• How to adjust seasonal costs: Seasonal Cost Allocation 

• How does shrink affect your costs: Shrink Affects Cost! 

• Discusses the benefit of using different input sizes.  Input modeling 

• Costing hanging baskets: Allocating Costs to Hanging Baskets 


Cost-Cutting Ideas 

• Winter preparation: Reducing Winter Costs 

• Savvy financing: Financing Options 

Article originally appeared on See website for complete article licensing information.