Scientific Name: Begonia x hybrida
Common Name: Foliage Begonia
Hardiness Degree: 40°F (4.4°C)
Plant Habit: Mounded, Upright
Characteristics: Drought Tolerant, Colorful/Attractive Foliage, Heat Tolerant, Shade Tolerant, Low Maintenance
Water: Light
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Spacing: 16 - 18" (41 - 46cm)
Height: 14 - 16" (36 - 41cm)
Width: 16 - 18" (41 - 46cm)
Exposure: Shade, Partial Sun
General Information: Low-maintenance, easy-care, water-efficient plant tolerate shade, partial shade and dry conditions for great success in many locations. Exotic-looking, light green foliage with dark green veins gives a big “wow” factor – makes the neighbors jealous! Garden-to-house Gryphon lets you extend the growing season when plants are brought indoors to enjoy at the end of the outdoor growing season. Can grow to 30 in. (75 cm) tall in hot/humid conditions.
Plug crop time: 8 to 9 weeks
Transplant to finish: 5 to 6 weeks