Plant Information

Betulia Red Begonia Vegetative

Growing Information:
Culture Guidelines
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Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Begonia x hiemalis

Hardiness Degree: 40°F (4.4°C)

Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn

Plant Habit: Upright

Characteristics: Drought Tolerant, Water/Rain tolerant, Shade Tolerant, Low Maintenance

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 6 - 8" (15 - 20cm)

Height: 4 - 7" (10 - 18cm)

Width: 5 - 7" (13 - 18cm)

Exposure: Shade, Partial Sun

General Information: Betulia Begonias are self-cleaning, keeping their surroundings neat and tidy (no need to remove spent blooms)! Its naturally strong and compact habit is perfect for color bowls and small garden spaces. Betulias are weather tolerant and will bloom continually from Spring until frost. 

Grower Information:

Betulia features a compact habit, with extremely durable, smaller foliage and excellent branching: typical varieties break more easily and have less branching. As a result, Betulia does not require PGRs and can tolerate later spacing. It blooms continuously from Spring through frost with no deadheading, as the plant self-cleans (unlike typical varieties in this class). It is extremely weather tolerant and versatile for use in outdoor or indoor containers. 
A true, vivid red color.


Protection Information: PP10,475

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