Plant Information

Sunbeam Bidens

Growing Information:
Culture Guidelines
Marketing Information:
Bench Card
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Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Bidens aurea

Common Name: Bidens

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Blooming Season: Summer

Plant Habit: Mounded

Characteristics: Heat Tolerant

Water: Light

Fertilize: Once a month

Spacing: 12" (30cm)

Height: 10 - 14" (25 - 36cm)

Width: 18 - 28" (46 - 71cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Excellent branching with short flower stems.
A great-looking companion plant!
Good for larger baskets and combinations.

Grower Information:

High vigor, early-season color and cool growing options make Sunbeam a must-have for large basket and combination programs.


Protection Information: PP20,533

(Flowering Only License)