Plant Information

Lavandula stoechas Bright Luxurious

Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Lavandula stoechas

Common Name: Spanish lavender

Hardiness Zone: 6a - 9b

Hardiness Degree: -10°F (-23.3°C)

Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer

Plant Habit: Mounded

Water: Light

Fertilize: Once a month

Spacing: 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)

Height: 14 - 18" (36 - 46cm)

Width: 10 - 12" (25 - 30cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Full, compact habit and excellent reblooming variety. 

Grower Information:

Excellent reblooming variety.

  • Compact variety is perfect for small novelty containers… and big sell-through!
  • Full, compact habit.
  • Can be grown in quarts and specialty containers.
  • Lighter-colored flags than Luxurious.

'Anouk Deluxe 1956'

Protection Information: CPBR5617; PP26,496

(Flowering Only License)