Plant Information

Agate XXL White Vining Mandevilla

Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Mandevilla x hybrida

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Blooming Season: Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn

Plant Habit: Climbing, Spreading, Trailing

Characteristics: Drought Tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 36" (91cm)

Height: 72 - 108" (183 - 274cm)

Width: 12 - 16" (30 - 41cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Bold, tropical blooms with a vigorous vining habit create a versatile showstopper in the garden! Can be planted in ground, in containers, in hanging baskets or in mixed combinations (all with a required support, like a trellis).

Grower Information:

Part of the Diamantina™ Collection of genetics bred by mandevilla and dipladenia expert Lannes of France. These sun-loving, traditional-type, vigorous mandevillas are earlier to bloom, and they have increased branching and blooming capacity versus current market competitors. The series offers extreme heat, drought and bad weather resistance. Mix Scarlet and White for a showstopping combination. Great for in-ground planting, hanging baskets, patio or garden containers, and in mixed combinations. Support, such as a trellis, is required. 
Very large blooms that are a true white! 


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