Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum morifolium
Common Name: Garden Mum Starburst White
Hardiness Zone: 6a - 11
Hardiness Degree: -10°F (-23.3°C)
Blooming Season: Late Summer, Autumn
Plant Habit: Mounded
Characteristics: Attracts Butterflies, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Frost Tolerant
Water: Medium
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Spacing: 7 - 36" (18 - 91cm)
Height: 14 - 24" (36 - 61cm)
Width: 20 - 36" (51 - 91cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Prolific and extremely uniform. Unique flower form features quilled petals, often tipped with a “spoon.” Excellent spreading growth habit.
Timing | Flower Date | Black Cloth Response | Habit | Vigor |
Mid | 9/20 | 7 weeks | European | Medium/Short |
Prolific and extremely uniform in black cloth and natural season crops. An outstanding variety for most any use. Unique flower form features quilled petals, often tipped with a “spoon.” Excellent spreading growth habit.
4" | 6" | 8" | 10" | 12" | 1/2 Bushel | H.B. | |
Natural Season | • | • | • | • | • | • | • |
Black Cloth | • | • | • | • |
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