Plant Information

Lemon Dream Pepper

Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum

Common Name: Sweet Pepper

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Plant Habit: Upright

Characteristics: Heat Tolerant

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Once a month

Spacing: 12 - 15" (30 - 38cm)

Height: 18" (46cm)

Width: 12" (30cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Beautiful plant loaded with yellow fruit.
Works great in the garden and in large containers.

Grower Information:
Exclusively Burpee!

Sport of Tangerine Dream, with lemony yellow peppers. Very high yielding, offering lots of thick-walled peppers with a mild, sweet taste. Put this shorter plant in a pot with Tangerine Dream for a delightful color mix of yellow and orange fruit.