Scientific Name: Trachelium caeruleum
Common Name: Throat Flower
Hardiness Degree: 40°F (4.4°C)
Blooming Season: Spring, Autumn
Plant Habit: Upright
Characteristics: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Heat Tolerant
Water: Medium
Fertilize: Once a month
Height: 30 - 42" (76 - 107cm)
Exposure: Partial Sun, Sun
General Information: Excellent choice for professional cut flower growers.
The Lake Collection offers simplified ordering and production to fill year-round orders. Long-day flowering varieties need 16 to 18 hours of daylength to flower and produce the large central umbel with smaller side umbels or “satellites.” Excellent vase life and good shippability. Foliage is medium green unless noted.
Stem length: 30 to 42 in./76 cm to 1 m
Planting density: 6 plants/ft.2 (66 plants/m2) without pinch
Best for: Greenhouse
Plug crop time: 7 to 9 weeks
Transplant to finish: 10 to 18 weeks
Lake Michigan Series
(Spring and Autumn-Flowering)