Plant Information

Tropica™ Modesto Pink Dipladenia

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Culture Guidelines
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Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Mandevilla x hybrida

Common Name: Dipladenia

Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)

Blooming Season: Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn

Plant Habit: Upright

Characteristics: Drought Tolerant, Water/Rain tolerant, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 8" (20cm)

Height: 24 - 36" (61 - 91cm)

Width: 8 - 10" (20 - 25cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Bold, tropical blooms with a bush habit allow for versatility of use! This variety will be a success planted in ground, grown in small to large containers, in hanging baskets or used in mixed combinations with other sun-loving varieties.

Grower Information:

Bush varieties are earlier to bloom, with good branching and blooming capacity. Extreme heat, drought and weather tolerance.


Protection Information: PP23,673

(Flowering Only License)

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