Plant Information

Glow Rose Stardust Petunia

Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Petunia x hybrida

Hardiness Degree: 40°F (4.4°C)

Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn

Plant Habit: Trailing

Characteristics: Shade Tolerant

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 18 - 24" (46 - 61cm)

Height: 8 - 10" (20 - 25cm)

Width: 16 - 22" (41 - 56cm)

Exposure: Partial Sun, Sun

General Information: Blossoms into a lush, flower-filled plant that puts on a high-impact show all season with very little attention.

Grower Information:

  • Medium-vigor series is well-suited for gallon and larger production. The colors also make great additions to mixed containers and medium-size hanging baskets.
  • Early flowering.
  • Proven greenhouse performance under lower light and low temperature production.


(Flowering Only License)