Tweedia Heavenly Blue
Tweedia – a cut flower I have heard about but never actually grown. We had a great opportunity to add it to Ball Cut Flower’s “Wedding Blossom Collection 2024” and I am so glad that we did. To experience this crop firsthand, we included it in The Gardens at Ball this summer. What a winner living up to all the features and benefits brought to me by the breeder/producer Takii Europe/Sahin.
Bloomed all summer starting in July and lasted through mid-September
Harvested stems over 20 in. long
Great true-blue color!
Not effected by storms; durable in the field
Super vase life – over 10 days!

In addition to the benefits of Tweedia for people’s enjoyment, Tweedia is very attractive to pollinators, offering a benefit to our bees and other insects that are important to all of us. Seed pods seen in the photo are only present as the stems were not continually harvested as a professional would do. In The Gardens at Ball, we leave the flowers for customers to see, cutting only as needed to keep plants fresh and actively growing.
Tweedia Heavenly Blue was installed in our garden week 21, 2024, from a 128 plug tray directly into prepared beds at 6 in. spacing. To assist with weed control, we used the Bio 360 weed barrier. Drip irrigation was used under the weed barrier. However they were watered by hand for the first two weeks to assist establishing the plugs in the bed. Supports were not used in the beds but would be useful to assist with straight stems and ease of harvest.
Tweedia Heavenly Blue is perfect for the newer Flower Farmer as it was very easy to grow, harvest and maintain, but should also be on any farmer’s list due to the color and softness of the foliage. Perfect for many applications: weddings, bouquets, and arrangements!
Contact the Ball ColorLink team today to inquire about availability through Ball Seed.