Fleuroselect Novelty
Scientific Name: Digitalis purpurea
Common Name: Common Foxglove
Hardiness Zone: 5a - 9b
Hardiness Degree: -20°F (-28.9°C)
Blooming Season: Late Spring, Summer
Plant Habit: Upright
Water: Medium
Fertilize: None or when needed only
Spacing: 12" (30cm)
Height: 16 - 20" (41 - 51cm)
Width: 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Uniform in height and early flowering, this fully first-year-flowering perennial is well-branched with excellent habit and compact foliage. Produces strong colors on good-quality spikes.
Bright display drives early salesBe fast to market with this attractive Digitalis in an exciting array of colours customers will love! Dalmatian offers uniformity, a full habit and early flowering, making it an ideal premium end cap product in larger containers. Get the series that’s easier for shoppers to spot!Plug crop time: 5 to 6 weeksTransplant to finish: 10 to 14 weeks