Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Helenium 'Rubinzwerg'
Common Name: Sneezeweed
Hardiness Degree: -30°F (-34.4°C)
Blooming Season: Summer, Late Summer
Plant Habit: Upright
Characteristics: Attracts Hummingbirds, Heat Tolerant
Spacing: 15 - 19" (38 - 48cm)
Height: 38 - 40" (97 - 102cm)
Width: 12 - 15" (30 - 38cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Burned-red petals around a yellow and brown center.
Grower Information:
Burned-red petals around a yellow and brown center. 2 to 3-in. (5 to 8-cm) wide, daisylike flowers with long petals fanned around a prominent center. Flowers are held on tall, upright stems with smooth-edged, lanceolate foliage.