Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Lavandula stoechas
Common Name: Spanish Lavender
Hardiness Degree: -10°F (-23.3°C)
Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Autumn, Late Summer
Plant Habit: Upright
Characteristics: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Scented Foliage
Spacing: 12 - 16" (30 - 41cm)
Height: 14 - 18" (36 - 46cm)
Width: 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Flower spikes are topped with matching flags. These pollinator-friendly plants look outstanding in containers and landscapes.
Grower Information:
Outstanding in containers and landscapes. Reblooming Spanish Lavenders have excellent weather tolerance and retail shelf life. High resistance to foliar disease.
Dark violet flower spikes topped by clear purple flags.
'Anouk Deluxe 16054'
Protection Information: PP34,971
(Flowering Only License)