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Week 11 – March 11, 2025

Plant Information

Lavandula Bandera Deep Purple

  • Lavandula Bandera Deep Purple - Bloom
  • Lavandula Bandera Deep Purple - Container

Fleuroselect Novelty

Growing Information:
Culture Guidelines
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Plant Details:

Scientific Name: Lavandula stoechas

Common Name: Spanish Lavender

Hardiness Zone: 7a - 10b

Hardiness Degree: 0°F (-17.8°C)

Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer

Plant Habit: Mounded

Characteristics: Low Maintenance

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Every two weeks

Spacing: 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)

Height: 7 - 9" (18 - 23cm)

Width: 10 - 12" (25 - 30cm)

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Lots of flowers in spring and summer attract butterflies and honeybees. Sturdy, bushy variety grows low to the ground. Plant near the front of a border or in patio planters to enjoy their mild lavender fragrance.

Grower Information:

Save time with seed L. stoechas
Professional-quality L. stoechas Bandera is an excellent seed option for this class. This compact, bushy, no-pinch plant has great flower power just 11 to 14 weeks from transplant, and it’s quick to finish compared to the vegetative options. Plus, no pinch means less production time, making it an all-around perennial star!

Plug crop time: 6 to 7 weeks
Transplant to finish: 11 to 14 weeks (28 to 35 weeks overwintered, only in high light/low humidity areas)

  • Professional-quality seed L. stoechas series produces quality comparable to vegetative varieties.
  • Compact to medium habit with good branching and uniformity; it easily fills 4-in./10-cm pots to gallons.
  • One to three weeks earlier to flower than the competition.
  • Flowers heavily to almost cover the plant.
  • Short harvest window fits for bench run programs.
  • Long-flowering and self-cleaning with good secondary flush of flowers.
  • Holds dense, mounded habit in the garden without falling open.
  • A “Gateway to Gardening” variety for young shoppers – attention-getting nursery and grocery store impulse item, gift plant and indoor potted plant.

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