Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Antirrhinum majus
Common Name: Snapdragon, Cut Flower
Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C)
Blooming Season: Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Plant Habit: Upright
Characteristics: Attracts Bees, Attracts Hummingbirds, Fragrant Flowers, Frost Tolerant
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Height: 39 - 60" (99 - 152cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Excellent choice for professional cut flower growers.
Grower Information:
Snaps second to none
PanAmerican Seed is the world leading supplier of F1 forcing snaps, with an unsurpassed choice of top-producing varieties selected for stem and flower quality, photoperiodic response and earliness to flower. With selections streamlined into 4 flowering response groups – including our popular Potomac family – you’ll find it a “snap” to build an all-year program of successful growing.
(Group 3,4)
Stem length: 39 to 60 in./99 to 152 cm
Planting density: 6 to 10 plants/ft2 (64 to 106) plants/m2; high-density planting under high-light or field situation
Best for: Greenhouse, high tunnel
Plug crop time: 4 to 5 weeks
Transplant to finish: 8 to 10 weeks; less than optimal crop season may affect finishing time for a duration of up to 18 weeks; refer to the PanAmerican Seed Product Information Guide at for details
- Tops for production during periods of high light, long days and warm temperatures.
- Plants produce tall, strong stems and long spikes with good flower quality.
- Can be grown year-round with supplemental high-intensity light.
In-demand colour shares all the features that have made Potomac the top series in snapdragons.