Plant Details:
Scientific Name: Leucanthemum x superbum
Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Blooming Season: Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Plant Habit: Mounded
Characteristics: Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Rabbit Resistant, Low Maintenance
Fertilize: Every two weeks
Height: 8 - 10" (20 - 25cm)
Width: 8 - 12" (20 - 30cm)
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Covered with pretty, clear-white flowers with a yellow center. Sturdy plants build a new layer of flowers on top of the older ones. Flowers Early Spring into early Fall depending on region and planting time.
Grower Information:
Cover Spring and Summer sales with the best seed shastas!
Count on White Lion for early-Spring sales from overwintered production (previously only possible with vegetative varieties) and for Spring sales from annual production. Madonna offers late Spring and Summer sales in long-day conditions. Both are more uniform in height and habit than their seed counterparts, and they provide an excellent alternative to vegetative Leucanthemum, with no vernalisation needed and no risk for bacterial infection.
Plug crop time: 5 to 6 weeks
Transplant to finish: annual, 9 to 12 weeks; overwintered, 18 to 26 weeks (18 in southern regions)
- The Spring Shasta! This unique compact seed Leucanthemum can be grown in short days (10-hour daylength requirement), so it’s perfect for early Spring sales!
- An alternative to vegetative varieties, it doesn’t require vernalisation and has no risk of bacterial infection.
- Ideal for an annual production schedule, as no supplemental lighting needed; it flowers under natural days.
- Perfect for overwintered production in natural short days, finished under natural short days, when it will bulk more uniformly. No supplemental light or Night Interruption is needed.
- No other seed variety offers this early programming solution!