Fall Bulb Crops: Order Early
When it comes to Fall bulb crops, it’s important to know that ordering early is key. Take it from Dave Dowling, Cut Flower Specialist for Ball Seed Co. We recently interviewed him on this topic for his expertise, recommendations and top picks.

What advice do you have for customers about Fall bulbs?
Order early. Varieties will sell out. Grow some unique varieties. Schedule the ship date for when you will be planting the bulbs, so they can be planted upon arrival. If you need to hold them for a few days, store them in a cool, dark place. Field and garden plantings should be done around your first Fall frost date. Be sure to water them thoroughly when they are planted, and as needed in the Spring. Dry conditions will create stunted plants, and possible just foliage and no flowers.
When should they order?
Fall bulb orders should be placed soon after the crop has bloomed this Spring. Usually May/June, or even sooner for varieties in high demand.
And why?
Results from the Spring flowering season are still fresh in their minds. What grew well, what sold well, what do they need to increase in quantity, what to drop, etc. Also, bulb crops always have a limited supply. Early orders get “in line” to receive items that sell out.
Where are the bulbs from?
Most Fall planted bulbs come from Holland. Tulips, hyacinth, daffodils, allium, etc. Ranunculus come from France. Anemones and paperwhites from Israel. Check out our suppliers here.
Any recommendations on specific varieties?
From the thousands of Fall bulb options, these are some standouts that should be on everyone’s list:
Cut flowers:
Tulips: Sun Lover, Charming Lady, Apricot Parrot, Flaming Parrot, Burgundy Lace
Daffodils: Tahiti, Pink Wonder, Sir Winston Churchill, Accent
Hyacinth: Gypsy Queen, Anne Marie, Carnegie
Allium: Purple Sensation, Summer Drummer, Drumstick
Anemone: Galilee Pastel Mix, Jerusalem Blue
Ranunculus: Amandine Salmon, Amandine Pastel Mix, Butterfly Europe
Potted Plants:
Tulips: Strong Gold, Red Baby Doll, Rococo
Daffodils: Tete a Tete, Attraction
Hyacinth: Blue Pearl, Anne Marie, Apricot Passion, Pink Surprise
Allium: Purple Sensation
Daffodil: Dutch Master, Professor Einstein, Ice King
Tulips: Parade, Golden Parade
Hyacinth: Blue Pearl, Anne Marie
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