Place Your Orders for Cut Flowers
Once the crop is harvested is when you should start ordering. This is keen advice from our Cut Flower Specialist for Ball Seed Co., Dave Dowling. He also emphasizes the importance of quality. Reminding growers, “Quality is the most important thing. Flowers must be number one Top Quality to retain customers. Regular customers pay your bills.”
Here you’ll find his tips on when to order and why, as well as some top recommendations.
When should customers start ordering?
Orders should always be placed in advance. Try to place your order soon after the crop is harvested this year. For example, Lisianthus blooms from July to September. Place the order in October.
Why so early?
It’s important to order early, so the growers can grow the plugs for your order. You’ll get what you need when you want it. Ordering bulbs early puts you at the front of the line for any varieties that sell out.
Which specific varieties do you recommend for early ordering?
Specific items to order would include: Lisianthus and Eucalyptus plugs. They take up to 12 weeks to get 1” tall. Most growers don’t have the facilities to grow a plug that long.
Other helpful planning tips for Cut Flower Growers?
Grow more than you think you need. Then work to sell everything you grow. Another good tip: Succession plant annuals like Sunflowers, Celosia, and Zinnias like your future depends on it. Because it does.
For availability, log into WebTrack, or contact your Ball Seed sales rep/Ball ColorLink associate at 800 879-BALL for assistance.
STAY TUNED... for the full video of Dave Dowling’s Cut Flower presentation from Customer Days 2023!