Tagawa Pansies Are Ready
It’s fall-pansy-booking season! Ball Seed wants you to offer the best to your customers.

For quality pansies at great prices, the best Fall Pansies come from Tagawa Greenhouses.
Why are these pansies the best? It’s because they’re grown a mile-high at Tagawa’s plug location in Brighton, Colorado. Tagawa plants thrive in warm days, and the high light and cool nights produce strong toned plants requiring less PGRs. Plus, they are ready to ship earlier in the season.
Here are some of the pansy series you should order to build your next pansy program:
1. Matrix®
2. Delta Pro
3. Majestic Giants II

Ball Seed supports you, not only with excellent supply and delivery, but we have Top Technical Information for best practices in production. We offer a video series on pansy propagation, transplant, and finishing with Ball Seed Tech On Demand. Check out this video for tips on Pansy Receiving and Transplant:
Tagawa is a gold supplier for Ball Seed, which means it has reliable order fill, on-time delivery, and quality plugs. Learn more about Tagawa at this video: