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Week 39 – September 27, 2024
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Mar 8, 2021
Tech On Demand Newsletter Debut

This week, Ball Publishing launches the inaugural edition of its Tech On Demand newsletter. Penned by Bill Calkins, it will be a timely and helpful resource geared for greenhouse professionals who focus on the day-to-day production of plants.

“Every week is different in your greenhouse, some more fun than others, and with the diversity of activities comes tremendous opportunity for education," writes Calkins. "The plan here is to share technical and cultural information on a weekly basis covering immediate needs and alerts, ongoing research, common production challenges and solid resources for your toolbox."

Calkins has more than two decades of experience in the horticulture industry, and a holistic appreciation and understanding of what growers do to bring plants to market. His current day job puts him squarely in the greenhouse technical space, working with the technical services team at Ball Seed and moderating a global peer-to-peer group. This keeps him in the loop on current research and timely greenhouse solutions, and he's supported by a well-educated sounding board and group of advisors to help vet the newsletter's content. 

Subscribe to the Tech On Demand newsletter here, and stay tuned for weekly tips from Ball Seed technical services expert Nick Flax. And bookmark our Technical Services webpage for your ongoing link to product culture and production resources.

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