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Week 39 – September 27, 2024
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Jul 1, 2021
The NEW 2022 Selecta One Catalog Is Here

What’s the latest from Selecta One? Innovative & New for 2022! This latest catalog features the hottest varieties of annuals, perennials, potted plants, herbs and Trixi® combos. Let’s get started with some highlights:

The new Beats™ Verbena series is compact and heat-tolerant, flowering two weeks earlier than the competition. No pinch or PGRs needed – and never missing a beat of color (see it on Page 100).


Explore the widest selection of Sky Petunias with two new colors and you’ll be light years ahead of the rest! This stellar pattern has the best stability and reliability on the market (Page 84).

Selecta One is also introducing a Dahlia with the most compact vigor. The new Dahlita series is the fastest-to-flower Dahlia offering early sales as soon as Valentine’s Day! Versatile and perfect in quarts, baskets and combos (Page 43).

Ball Seed customers will also get the latest Culture Information, which is included at the back of the catalog, as well as a list of Licensed Root & Sell Stations – conveniently provided on the back cover.

The 2022 Selecta One catalog is available now online as a digital resource here, and printed copies will be shipping to your greenhouse. You can request more catalogs by contacting your Ball Seed sales representative or Ball ColorLink associate. Don’t forget to visit for more information and browse all our catalogs for even more exciting new, premium products from Ball Seed.

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