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Week 39 – September 27, 2024
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Apr 28, 2022
Get To Know Your ColorLink Team

Our Ball Seed ColorLink Specialists assist new greenhouse businesses and all sizes of operations in the professional horticulture industry. They specialize in ...

  • placing orders
  • tracking your shipments
  • navigating Ball Seed WebTrack, and
  • finding the right supplier

They truly are dedicated to helping you grow your business and support your needs! Now it's time to meet these experts on a more personal level We asked them to share a bit about their lives, what they love most about working for you at Ball Seed, and (of course) their favorite flower or houseplant.

Check out our Ball Seed ColorLink page to swipe through the slideshow of their comments and photos. You'll also meet our Account Development Representatives! Led by Erick Harris, these ADRs know their regions inside and out, and are the perfect partner to have in your corner as you explore new markets and opportunities.

Ball Seed ColorLink helps give you peace of mind and get a handle on your business. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter to keep track of specials and news, and you can always give them a call at 800-686-7380.


Tags: In The News
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