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Week 39 – September 27, 2024
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Jul 14, 2023
Sneak Peek at New Varieties from Ball Ingenuity
Madison Umphrey  Ball Intern 2023

Here are some of the new varieties from Ball Ingenuity that you will want to see during your 2023 Customer Days experience.

Orange flower bloom

Tecoma Kalama
This new series is heat loving, compact-growing, low maintenance, and available in three shades of tropical orange: Pomegranate, Papaya, and Blood Orange.

“Hummingbirds are just loving these Tecoma Kalama's. They will be looking really nice and in full bloom for Customer Days,” Product Development manager for Ball Ingenuity, Kelsey Minalga said.


Purple flower bloom

Anigozanthos Bush Gems Celebrations
This Kangaroo Paw series only needs partial sun exposure and is known for being drought tolerant, heat tolerant and a low maintenance option. We're recommending these compact versions for patio containers or mixes. There are four unique colors to explore in our Shade Container showcase area.


Red and green trimmed leafy plant

Jurassic Dino Cherry Fields Rex Begonia
The Cherry Fields variety of Rex Begonia is a shade-loving plant from the Jurrassic Dino Series. It has a vibrant leaf color and is versatile for outdoor shade containers or indoor decor.

Need Some Maintenance Advice?
Here are some plant tips from Minalga on keeping these Ball Ingenuity plants looking their best: Watering your plants at the right time and providing the proper exposure is most beneficial for plant success.

“For the most part, all of our plants are pretty easy to maintain,” Minalga said. “That is one thing that we look for when we trial is to make sure they are consumer friendly and easy.”

Register for Customer Days Today!
Call or email the number below for any additional information about new varieties, Customer Days and more! We would love to hear from you. See them all at Ball Seed Customer Days, July 27 & 28 this summer.

RSVP today! Visit to register online. Have a question? Please call us at 800-879-BALL or email We hope to see you this summer in The Gardens at Ball.

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